
On 9 th August 2024, as part of the Thrive wellness activities, Frank Farrer of 5 Animal Frolics Tai Chi and Qigong, Neyland delivered 2 free Qi Gong sessions at the Regency Hall, Saundersfoot on our behalf. Emma Price, General Manager promoted the sessions locally, signing up regulars and visitors to engage with the THRIVE project by attending these free wellbeing events.

Frank said, “10 people attended in total across the 2 sessions and they all thoroughly enjoyed the sessions on the day giving them ideas for taking Qigong further.”

Ar y 9fed o Awst 2024, fel rhan o weithgareddau lles THRIVE, cyflwynodd Frank Farrer o ‘5 Animal Frolics Tai Chi and Qigong’, Neyland, 2 sesiwn Qi Gong am ddim yn Neuadd y Rhaglywiaeth, Llanusyllt ar than ni. Hyrwyddodd Emma Price, Rheolwr Cyffredinol y sesiynau’n lleol, gan gofrestru’r rheolaidd ac ymwelwyr i ymgysylltu â’r prosiect THRIVE drwy fynychu’r digwyddiadau llesiant rhad ac am ddim hyn.

Dywedodd Frank, “Roedd 10 pobl yn bresennol ar draws y 2 sesiwn ac fe wnaethant fwynhau’r sesiynau ar y diwrnod yn fawr gan roi syniadau iddynt ar gyfer mynd â Qigong ymhellach.”

Qi Gong - Regency Hall, Saundersfoot

“I spoke to one lady, and she enjoyed it so much she has booked on for the next free Qigong session”

“Siaradais ag un ddynes, ac fe fwynhaodd hi gymaint mae wedi archebu lle ar gyfer y sesiwn Qigong rhad ac am ddim nesaf”

Jan, Regency Hall said “I spoke to one lady, and she enjoyed it so much she has booked on for the next free Qigong session taking place at the Regency Hall on 30 th of August. She is also encouraging her friend to attend! Another gentleman said he got something from it and really enjoyed the session. We enjoyed working with Really Pro and arranging these free sessions for the benefit of the community”

Dywedodd Jan o Neuadd y Rhaglywiaeth, Llanusyllt “Siaradais ag un ddynes, ac fe fwynhaodd hi gymaint mae wedi archebu lle ar gyfer y sesiwn Qigong rhad ac am ddim nesaf, a gynhelir yn Neuadd y Rhaglywiaeth ar y 30ain o Awst. Mae hi hefyd yn annog ei ffrind i fynychu! Dywedodd dyn arall ei fod wedi cael rhywbeth ohono a’i fod wedi mwynhau’r sesiwn llawer. Fe wnaethon ni fwynhau gweithio gyda Really Pro a threfnu’r sesiynau rhad ac am ddim hyn er lles y gymuned.”

What is Qigong?

Pronounced “chi gong,” it was developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves using exercises to optimise energy within the body, mind, and spirit, with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being. Qigong has both psychological and physical components and involves the regulation of the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture.

Qigong is a gentle system of breathing exercises, body postures and movements, promoting mental well-being, concentration, maintaining good health and enhancing the flow of vital energy. It involves very simple repetitive exercises, so it is suitable for everyone. It can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, improve mood, increase energy, reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue and enhance immune function.

Beth yw Qigong?

Wedi’i ynganu’n “chi gong,” fe’i datblygwyd yn Tsieina filoedd o flynyddoedd yn ôl fel rhan o feddyginiaeth Tsieineaidd draddodiadol. Mae’n cynnwys defnyddio ymarferion i wneud y gorau or egni sydd tu fewn y corff, meddwl ac ysbryd, gyda’r nod o wella a chynnal iechyd a lles. Mae gan Qigong gydrannau seicolegol a chorfforol ac mae’n cynnwys rheoleiddio’r meddwl, yr anadl, a symud ac osgo’r corff.

Mae Qigong yn system ysgafn o ymarferion anadlu, ystum a symudiadau corff, hyrwyddo lles meddwl, canolbwyntio, cynnal iechyd da a gwella llif egni hanfodol. Mae’n cynnwys ymarferion ailadroddus syml iawn, felly mae’n addas i bawb. Gall leihau symptomau iselder a phryder, gwella hwyliau, cynyddu egni, lleihau symptomau blinder cronig a gwella swyddogaeth imiwnedd.

If you are interested in arranging a session for a group max 12 per session (2 session per day available), please send an email to
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn trefnu sesiwn ar gyfer grŵp uchafswm o 12 y sesiwn (2 sesiwn y dydd ar gael), anfonwch e-bost i