
The THRIVE project is a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Government, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council and delivered by Really Pro to the people of Pembrokeshire.

Mae prosiect THRIVE yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariennir gan Llywodraeth y DU, a weinyddir gan Gyngor Sir Penfro ac a gyflwynir gan Really Pro, i bobl Sir Benfro.

Dawn Parker of Dawn Revival from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire – Case Study Thrive Project

Dawn Parker, owner of Dawn Revival from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire engaged with the Thrive project in May 2024. The focus for the THRIVE business support sessions was around strategy and focusing on her offers, her audience, her message and her priorities.

After 3 sessions via the Thrive project Dawn said “The sessions have been really helpful and productive. I would love more help in the future. Thank you so much to the Really
Pro team.”

We wish Dawn much success for her business in the future and thank her for engaging so enthusiastically with the project.

Dawn Parker o Dawn Revival, Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro – Prosiect Ffynnu Astudiaeth Achos

Ymgysylltodd Dawn Parker, perchennog Dawn Revival o Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro â’r prosiect Thrive ym mis Mai 2024. Roedd ffocws sesiynau cymorth busnes THRIVE ar strategaeth a chanolbwyntio ar ei chynigion, ei chynulleidfa, ei neges a’i blaenoriaethau.

Ar ôl 3 sesiwn trwy brosiect Thrive dywedodd Dawn “Mae’r sesiynau wedi bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn ac yn gynhyrchiol. Byddwn wrth fy modd yn cael mwy o help yn y dyfodol.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i dîm Really Pro.”

Dymunwn bob llwyddiant i Dawn i’w busnes yn y dyfodol a diolch iddi am ymgysylltu mor frwd â’r prosiect.

Dawn Revival

“The sessions have been really helpful and productive. I would love more help in the future

Mae’r sesiynau wedi bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn ac yn gynhyrchiol. Byddwn wrth fy modd yn cael mwy o help yn y dyfodol

If you are interested in receiving FREE business support from us via the Thrive project, click HERE for more information and fill out an enquiry form to get started. Alternatively, send us a DM and someone will get back to you. Please note – you must be based in Pembrokeshire! We look forward to working with you soon.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn derbyn cymorth busnes AM DDIM gennym ni trwy’r prosiect Thrive, cliciwch YMA am fwy o wybodaeth a llenwch ffurflen ymholiad i gychwyn arni. Fel arall, anfonwch DM atom a bydd rhywun yn cysylltu â chi yn ôl. Sylwch – mae’n rhaid eich bod wedi’ch lleoli yn Sir Benfro! Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda chi yn fuan.