
Emma Roberts, Owner of The Drovers Arms Carmarthen, and her staff were the recent beneficiaries of FREE Level 2 basic life skills and use of AED defibrillator training via The Hospitality Academi project funded by the UK Government.

Yn ddiweddar derbyniodd Roedd Emma Roberts, Perchennog o’r Tafarn Drovers Arm’s Caerfyrddin, a’i staff wedi elwa’n ddiweddar hyfforddiant sgiliau bywyd sylfaenol Lefel 2 AM DDIM a hyfforddiant defnyddio Diffibriliwr AED, trwy’r Prosiect Academi Lletygarwch a ariennir gan Lywodraeth y DU.

“All businesses should have the opportunity to take this course.Fantastic and much needed life skill to have!”


“Dylai pob busnes gael y cyfle i ddilyn y cwrs hwn. Sgil bywyd gwych y mae mawr ei angen i’w gael!”

Read the full testimonial below:

Owner, Emma Roberts said “this was a really useful training course as the town has newly fitted Defibrillators and we now know how to use them if we needed to act in an emergency situation. All businesses should have the opportunity to take this course. Fantastic and much needed life skill to have!”

Darllenwch y dysteb lawn isod:

Dywedodd y perchennog Emma Roberts “roedd hwn yn gwrs hyfforddi defnyddiol iawn gan fod y dref wedi gosod Diffibrilwyr newydd ac rydym nawr yn gwybod sut i’w defnyddio os oes angen mewn sefyllfa o argyfwng. Dylai pob busnes gael y cyfle i ddilyn y cwrs hwn. Sgil bywyd gwych y mae mawr ei angen i’w gael!””

If you are in the hospitality, leisure, accommodation or tourism sector and your business is based in Carmarthen, please click here to complete an enquiry form.

Os ydych yn y sectorau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety neu dwristiaeth a bod eich busnes wedi’i leoli yng Nghaerfyrddin, cliciwch yma i gwblhau ffurflen ymholiad.

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