The THRIVE Project is a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Government, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council.
The THRIVE Project runs until December 2024 and is available for businesses and individuals based in Pembrokeshire to access well being support, advice, training and action oriented business support.
Mae Prosiect THRIVE yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariennir gan y DU llwodraeth, a weinyddir gan Gyngor Sir Penfro.
Mae Prosiect THRIVE yn rhedeg tan fis Rhagfyr 2024 ac mae ar gael i fusnesau ac unigolion yn Sir Benfro i gael mynediad at gefnogaeth llesiant, cyngor, hyfforddiant a chymorth busnes sy’n canolbwyntio ar weithredu.
Support for Businesses
Businesses across the county of Pembrokeshire can be supported via The THRIVE Project and our Business Action / Implementation Support Team. The type of support on offer to businesses via the project is focused on helping businesses implement a new to the firm process in the following areas:
Cefnogaeth i Fusnesau
Gellir cefnogi busnesau ar draws y sir trwy’r Prosiect THRIVE trwy ein Tîm Cymorth Gweithredu / Gweithredu Busnes. Mae’r math o gymorth sydd ar gael i fusnesau drwy’r prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar helpu busnesau i weithredu proses newydd i’r cwmni yn y meysydd canlynol:

– Business strategy and planning
– Marketing and marketing tools
– Social media and digital marketing
– Financial systems
– Strategaeth a chynllunio busnes
– Offer marchnata
– Cyfryngau cymdeithasol a marchnata digidol
– Systemau ariannol
We can help Sole traders, SMEs or Larger organisations explore ways to become competitive, innovative or manage growth by working with our skilled advisory team to put into action and adopt a new process with a view to reducing costs &/or increasing profit.
Gallwn helpu Unig fasnachwyr, BBaChau neu sefydliadau Mwy i archwilio ffyrdd o ddod yn gystadleuol, arloesol neu reoli twf trwy weithio gyda’n tîm cynghori medrus i roi ar waith a mabwysiadu proses newydd gyda’r bwriad o leihau costau a/neu gynyddu elw.
Support for Individuals
The THRIVE Project is funded to deliver a range of enrichment activities to help people across Pembrokeshire access well-being support, connect with other people, build confidence and give individuals the opportunity to try out volunteering that is designed to increase mental well-being.
The THRIVE Project is funded to also deliver a range of half day, one day qualifications to individuals aged 13+ through to 65+ in the following:
Cefnogaeth i unigolion
Mae Prosiect THRIVE yn cael ei ariannu i ddarparu ystod o weithgareddau cyfoethogi i helpu pobl ar draws Sir Benfro i gael mynediad at gefnogaeth llesiant, cysylltu â phobl eraill, magu hyder a rhoi cyfle i unigolion roi cynnig ar wirfoddoli sydd wedi’i gynllunio i gynyddu lles meddyliol.
Mae Prosiect THRIVE hefyd yn cael ei ariannu i ddarparu ystod o gymwysterau hanner diwrnod, undydd i unigolion 13+ hyd at 65+ yn y canlynol:

– L2 in Basic Life Skills and Safe use of an AED Defibrillator
– L2 Health & Safety skills in the workplace
– L1 Mental Health Awareness
– L2 mewn Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol a Defnydd Diogel o Ddiffibriliwr AED
– L2 Sgiliau Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y gweithle
– L1 Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl
A whole host of other useful awareness subjects are also available delivered in a warm friendly environment.
Mae llu o bynciau ymwybyddiaeth defnyddiol eraill hefyd ar gael a gyflwynir mewn amgylchedd cynnes a chyfeillgar.