
The Thrive Project 2024/25

The THRIVE Project was a dynamic skills initiative funded by the UK Government, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council, and delivered by Really Pro to the people of Pembrokeshire.  The project officially launched in October 2023 running until February 2025, the project offered businesses and individuals in Pembrokeshire access to action-oriented 121 business support, well-being advice and support and individual accredited training opportunities.

Y Prosiect Thrive 2024/25

Roedd y Prosiect THRIVE yn fenter sgiliau deinamig a ariannwyd gan Llywodraeth y DU, a weinyddir gan Gyngor Sir Penfro, ac a gyflwynwyd gan Really Pro i bobl Sir Benfro.  Lansiwyd y prosiect yn swyddogol ym mis Hydref 2023 ac oedd yn rhedeg tan fis Chwefror 2025, a chynigiodd y prosiect fynediad i fusnesau ac unigolion yn Sir Benfro at gymorth busnes 1 i 1 seiliedig ar weithredu, cyngor a chymorth lles a chyfleoedd hyfforddi achrededig unigol.

Who benefited from the project? | Pwy gafodd fudd o’r prosiect?

Businesses | Busnesau

Over a 16-month period, the THRIVE project and the commercial team at Really Pro has provided 600+ hours of direct 121 support to businesses owners who were based in 54 towns around the county including Haverfordwest, Narberth, Fishguard, Pembroke, Pembroke Dock, Tenby, Milford Haven, St Davids, Saundersfoot and Roch. The business support included business strategy and planning, marketing strategy and digital marketing tools, design, branding, social media and operating financial systems, aiding business owners in the county to get ahead of their competition and set themselves up for success.  Start-ups also benefited from help choosing their business names, purchasing domains and designing their logos from scratch!

Dros gyfnod o 16 mis, mae’r prosiect THRIVE a’r tîm masnachol yn Really Pro wedi darparu dros 600 awr o gymorth uniongyrchol 1 i 1 i berchnogion busnesau a oedd wedi’u lleoli mewn 54 o drefi o amgylch y sir gan gynnwys Hwlffordd, Arberth, Abergwaun, Penfro, Doc Penfro, Dinbych-y-pysgod, Aberdaugleddau, Tyddewi, Saundersfoot a’r Garn.   Roedd y cymorth busnes yn cynnwys strategaeth a chynllunio busnes, strategaeth farchnata ac offer marchnata digidol, dylunio, brandio, cyfryngau cymdeithasol a gweithredu systemau ariannol, cynorthwyo perchnogion busnes yn y sir i achub y blaen ar eu cystadleuaeth a sefydlu eu hunain ar gyfer llwyddiant.  Roedd busnesau newydd hefyd wedi derbyn help i ddewis eu henwau busnes, prynu parthau a dylunio eu logos o’r dechrau!

Case Studies | Astudiaethau Achos

Shahnaz Scully, Tendernest – Shaz engaged with the Thrive project in August 2024.  Shaz said “The advice on aligning my business model with my mission has been particularly beneficial, ensuring that I remain true to my core values while pursuing growth. I also found the support in financial planning and management incredibly helpful. My business advisor’s insights into budgeting, forecasting, and maintaining financial health have equipped me with the knowledge I need to make informed decisions as I navigate the business landscape.”

Click here to read the full article.

Samantha Hewer, Sammi’s Aesthetics – Sammi first engaged with the Thrive project in May 2024.  Sammi said “Really Pro have been amazing. I don’t know how I would have been able to achieve my business goals and dreams without their incredible support!” 

Click here to read the full article.

Shahnaz Scully, Tendernest – Ymgysylltodd Shaz â phrosiect THRIVE ym mis Awst 2024. Dywedodd Shaz “Mae’r cyngor ar alinio fy model busnes â’m cenhadaeth wedi bod yn arbennig o fuddiol, gan sicrhau fy mod yn aros yn driw i’m gwerthoedd craidd wrth fynd ar drywydd twf. Roedd y cymorth ym maes cynllunio a rheoli ariannol hefyd yn hynod ddefnyddiol. Mae mewnwelediad fy nghynghorydd busnes i gyllidebu, rhagweld, a chynnal iechyd ariannol wedi rhoi’r wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnaf i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus wrth i mi lywio’r dirwedd fusnes.”

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarllen yr erthygl lawn.

Samantha Hewer, Sammi’s Aesthetics – Ymgysylltodd Sammi â phrosiect THRIVE am y tro cyntaf ym mis Mai 2024. Dywedodd Sammi “Mae Really Pro wedi bod yn anhygoel. Nid ydw i’n gwybod sut y byddwn i wedi gallu cyflawni fy nodau busnes a breuddwydion heb eu cefnogaeth anhygoel!” 

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarllen yr erthygl lawn

Individuals: | Unigolion:

The project also trained 305 individuals at venues across the county, receiving Level 1 & Level 2 accreditation certificates.  This training has equipped those individuals with valuable skills to advance their personal and professional development enabling them to tackle life changing situations.  Training topics included;

– L2 in Basic Life Skills and Safe use of an AED Defibrillator

– L1 & L2 Health & Safety skills in the workplace

– L1 Mental Health Awareness

Roedd y prosiect hefyd wedi hyfforddi 305 o unigolion mewn lleoliadau ar draws y sir, gan dderbyn tystysgrifau achredu Lefel 1 a Lefel 2. Mae’r hyfforddiant hwn wedi rhoi sgiliau gwerthfawr i’r unigolion hynny i ddatblygu eu datblygiad personol a phroffesiynol gan eu galluogi i fynd i’r afael â sefyllfaoedd sy’n newid bywyd.  Roedd pynciau hyfforddi yn cynnwys;

– L2 mewn Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol a Defnydd Diogel o Ddiffibriliwr AED

– Sgiliau Iechyd a Diogelwch L1 ac L2 yn y gweithle

– L1 Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl

Case Studies | Astudiaethau Achos

Narberth & Whitland Rotary Club – On August 27, 2024, members of the Narberth & Whitland Rotary Club, along with staff from the Queen’s Hall in Narberth, participated in accredited Level 2 Basic Life Skills and AED Defibrillator training. This initiative empowered local individuals to become well-being volunteers, enhancing community support. 

Mary Adams who co-ordinated the free training on behalf of the club said “Having lost my brother to a fatal heart attack last year, it was really important for me to do this training in his memory.  The training was delivered in a professional and fun way so you could really take the information on board easily.  The best three hours I’ve spent in a long time.  Thank you to the team at Really Pro, you were amazing!”  Another attendee at the training also said “The training sessions are really informative and useful.  It was delivered with enthusiasm and passion”.

Click here to read the full article.

Brown’s Cafe – On November 13, 2024, Sandra Bryant and five staff members from Brown’s Cafe in Pembroke engaged with the THRIVE project by attending accredited Level 2 Basic Life Skills and AED Defibrillator training. This training equipped them to support the community as well-being volunteers.

Sandra said “The training was well worth it – 6 of us were so pleased that we did it because we learnt so much – for example – needing a mobile phone to access a defibrillator!  Something as simple as this that we didn’t know.  Also, the trainer made it fun even though it’s a serious topic.  We could remember things like – 30 compressions – 2 breaths because she spoke in our language so that we all understood and can remember the training”.

Click here to read the full article.

Clwb Rotari Arberth a Hendy-gwyn ar Daf –

Ar Awst y 27ain 2024, cymerodd aelodau o Glwb Rotari Arberth a Hendy-gwyn ar Daf, ynghyd â staff o Neuadd y Frenhines yn Arberth, rhan mewn hyfforddiant achrededig Lefel 2 Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol a Diffibriliwr AED. Roedd y fenter hon yn grymuso unigolion lleol i ddod yn wirfoddolwyr llesiant, gan wella cefnogaeth gymunedol.  

Dywedodd Mary Adams a gydlynodd yr hyfforddiant rhad ac am ddim ar ran y clwb “Ar ôl colli fy mrawd i drawiad ar y galon angheuol y llynedd, roedd yn bwysig iawn i mi wneud yr hyfforddiant hwn er cof amdano.  Cyflwynwyd yr hyfforddiant mewn ffordd broffesiynol a hwyliog fel y gallech chi wir ystyried y wybodaeth yn hawdd.  Y tair awr orau rydw i wedi’u treulio ers amser maith.  Diolch i’r tîm yn Really Pro, roeddech chi’n anhygoel!”  Dywedodd un arall a fynychodd yr hyfforddiant hefyd “Mae’r sesiynau hyfforddi yn addysgiadol iawn ac yn ddefnyddiol.  Fe’i cyflwynwyd gyda brwdfrydedd ac angerdd”.

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarllen yr erthygl lawn.

Caffi Brown – Ar 13eg o Tachwedd 2024, ymgysylltodd Sandra Bryant a phum aelod o staff o Brown’s Cafe ym Mhenfro â’r prosiect THRIVE trwy fynychu hyfforddiant achrededig Lefel 2 Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol a Diffibrilwyr AED. Roedd yr hyfforddiant hwn yn eu galluogi i gefnogi’r gymuned fel gwirfoddolwyr lles.

Dywedodd Sandra “Roedd yr hyfforddiant yn werth chweil – roedd 6 ohonom mor falch ein bod wedi’i wneud oherwydd i ni ddysgu cymaint – er enghraifft – angen ffôn symudol i gael mynediad at ddiffibriliwr!  Rhywbeth mor syml â hyn nad oeddem yn ei wybod.  Hefyd, roedd yr hyfforddwr yn ei wneud yn hwyl er ei fod yn bwnc difrifol.  Roedden ni’n gallu cofio pethau fel – 30 cywasgiad – 2 anadl oherwydd ei bod hi’n siarad yn ein hiaith fel ein bod ni i gyd yn deall ac yn cofio’r hyfforddiant”.

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarllen yr erthygl lawn.

Community Wellness and Volunteer Support: | Llesiant Cymunedol a Chymorth Gwirfoddolwyr:

The THRIVE project extended its impact beyond 121 and group training by delivering wellness sessions within the community. Notably, the project collaborated with organisations like Dezza’s Cabin, training volunteers to assemble winter warmth packs, thereby supporting vulnerable community members during colder months.  We also worked closely with Qigong & Tai Chi instructor Frank Farrer of 5 Animal Frolics to deliver fully funded Qigong sessions in venues around the county reaching out to people of all ages and all walks of life via social media and community groups to try this wonderful gentle exercise for the first time.  The benefits of this cannot be overstated and led to some participants joining regular Qigong classes.

Ymestynnodd prosiect THRIVE ei effaith y tu hwnt i 1 i 1 a hyfforddiant grŵp trwy gyflwyno sesiynau lles yn y gymuned. Yn nodedig, bu’r prosiect yn cydweithio â sefydliadau fel Dezza’s Cabin, gan hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr i roi pecynnau cynhesrwydd gaeaf at ei gilydd, a thrwy hynny gefnogi aelodau bregus o’r gymuned yn ystod misoedd oerach.  Buom hefyd yn gweithio’n agos gyda hyfforddwr Qigong a Tai Chi, Frank Farrer o 5 Aniaml Frolics, i gyflwyno sesiynau Qigong wedi’u hariannu’n llawn mewn lleoliadau o amgylch y sir gan estyn allan at bobl o bob oed a phob cefndir trwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol a grwpiau cymunedol i roi cynnig ar yr ymarfer ysgafn hyfryd hwn am y tro cyntaf.  Ni ellir gorbwysleisio manteision hyn ac arweiniodd at rai cyfranogwyr yn ymuno â dosbarthiadau Qigong rheolaidd.

Case Studies | Astudiaethau Achos

Living Memory Group – On 23rd of January 2025, Frank Farrer of 5 Animal Frolics Tai Chi and Qigong, Neyland delivered 2 fully funded Qi Gong sessions at the Living Memory group, Narberth Rugby Club. Mary Adams, who coordinates the Living Memory group, said “What a fabulous afternoon doing Qi Gong with the Living Memory Group and the Narberth school children. Great fun.”

A member of staff from the school said “Thank you Mary for a fabulous afternoon, the children thoroughly enjoyed learning Qigong.  It is such a powerful way for school children to connect with the Living Memory group and develop a sense of community also.  They were all chatting with each other saying how much fun it was today.  Thanks again for the opportunity” 

Click here to read the full article.

Outer Reef Surf School – On 25th October 2024, Frank Farrer of 5 Animal Frolics Tai Chi and Qigong, Neyland delivered 2 free Qi Gong sessions in Manorbier with the Salty Sisters Female Social surf club and members of the public. 

Nicola O’Toole said “I very much enjoyed the session, friendly and knowledgeable teacher – had fun with the taster course.  Thank you!” 

Sabrina Bonanati said “I felt a big inner and then outer smile coming up on my face within the class!  Thank you!”

Emma Stacey said “Great class – thank you, a brilliant introduction to Qigong.”

Click here to read the full article.

Grŵp Cof Byw –

Ar y 23ain o Ionawr 2025, cyflwynodd Frank Farrer o 5 Animal Frolics Tai Chi a Qigong, Neyland 2 sesiwn Qi Gong wedi’u hariannu’n llawn yng ngrŵp Cof Byw, Clwb Rygbi Arberth.  Dywedodd Mary Adams, sy’n cydlynu’r grŵp Cof Byw, “Am brynhawn gwych yn gwneud Qi Gong gyda’r Grŵp Cof Byw a phlant ysgol Arberth. Hwyl fawr.” 

Dywedodd aelod o staff yr ysgol “Diolch Mary am brynhawn bendigedig, y plant wedi mwynhau dysgu Qigong yn fawr.  Mae’n ffordd mor bwerus i blant ysgol gysylltu â’r grŵp Cof Byw a datblygu ymdeimlad o gymuned hefyd.  Roedden nhw i gyd yn sgwrsio gyda’i gilydd gan ddweud cymaint o hwyl oedd hi heddiw. Diolch eto am y cyfle”/

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarllen yr erthygl lawn.

Ysgol Syrffio Outer Reef – Ar y 25ain o Hydref 2024, cyflwynodd Frank Farrer o 5 Animal Frolics Tai Chi a Qigong, Neyland 2 sesiwn Qi Gong am ddim ym Maenorbŷr gyda Chlwb Syrffio Cymdeithasol Merched Salty Sisters ac aelodau o’r cyhoedd.  

Dywedodd Nicola O’Toole “Fe wnes i fwynhau’r sesiwn yn fawr, athrawes gyfeillgar a gwybodus – cefais hwyl gyda’r cwrs blasu.  Diolch!”.

Dywedodd Sabrina Bonanati “Roeddwn i’n teimlo gwên fawr fewnol ac yna allanol yn dod i fyny ar fy wyneb yn y dosbarth!  Diolch!”.

Dywedodd Emma Stacey “Dosbarth gwych – diolch, cyflwyniad gwych i Qigong.”

Cliciwch ar y ddolen i ddarllen yr erthygl lawn.

Looking Ahead

Through the comprehensive efforts of our commercial team and community trainers, the THRIVE Project has significantly contributed to the growth and well-being of businesses, individuals and the broader community in Pembrokeshire.  As the project concludes we want to express our gratitude for the hard work of our colleagues, everyone in Pembrokeshire who took part in the project with such enthusiasm and commitment and the support of local venues who provided the space to deliver the training.  

A huge thank you to Pembrokeshire County Council for administering the project, trusting us to deliver the project on time with all targets met and exceeded and finally to the UK Government for funding the project.

Edrych Ymlaen

Trwy ymdrechion cynhwysfawr ein tîm masnachol a’n hyfforddwyr cymunedol, mae Prosiect THRIVE wedi cyfrannu’n sylweddol at dwf a lles busnesau, unigolion a’r gymuned ehangach yn Sir Benfro.  Wrth i’r prosiect ddod i ben rydym am fynegi ein diolch am waith caled ein cydweithwyr, pawb yn Sir Benfro a gymerodd ran yn y prosiect gyda chymaint o frwdfrydedd ac ymrwymiad a chefnogaeth y lleoliadau lleol a ddarparodd y gofod i gyflwyno’r hyfforddiant.  

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Gyngor Sir Penfro am weinyddu’r prosiect, gan ymddiried ynom i gyflawni’r prosiect ar amser gan gyrraedd a rhagori ar yr holl dargedau ac yn olaf i Lywodraeth y DU am ariannu’r prosiect.

Challenges and Solutions | Heriau ac Atebion

The THRIVE Project, funded by the UK Government and administered by Pembrokeshire County Council, has been instrumental in supporting businesses and individuals in Pembrokeshire. Throughout its implementation, the team encountered several challenges and devised effective solutions to address them.

  1. Diverse Business Needs: The project engaged with a wide array of businesses in all sectors, each with unique set of needs and challenges. The THRIVE team provided tailored support to meet these specific needs. 
  2. Strategic Planning for New Ventures: Entrepreneurs required guidance in creating business plans and setting priorities for their new business. The THRIVE team assisted in drafting vision and mission statements, establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) and conducting market research to inform strategic decisions. 
  3. Marketing and Audience Engagement: Creative professionals needed support in identifying offerings, prioritising income streams, promoting events, and maximising revenue opportunities. The project provided marketing support to effectively reach target audiences. 
  4. Community Training and Volunteer Mobilisation: The project aimed to enhance community well-being by training individuals in essential life-saving skills. Our grass roots engagement approach allowed us to empower local individuals to become well-being volunteers, strengthening community support networks. 

By addressing these challenges with targeted, professional solutions, the commercial team and the THRIVE Project effectively supported the diverse needs of businesses, individuals, and organisations in the county of Pembrokeshire.

Mae Prosiect THRIVE, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth y DU ac a weinyddir gan Gyngor Sir Penfro, wedi bod yn allweddol wrth gefnogi busnesau ac unigolion yn Sir Benfro. Trwy gydol ei weithrediad, daeth y tîm ar draws sawl her a dyfeisiodd atebion effeithiol i fynd i’r afael â nhw.

  1. Anghenion Busnes Amrywiol: Roedd y prosiect yn ymgysylltu ag amrywiaeth eang o fusnesau ym mhob sector, pob un â set unigryw o anghenion a heriau. Darparodd tîm THRIVE gefnogaeth wedi’i theilwra i ddiwallu’r anghenion penodol hyn. 
  2. Cynllunio Strategol ar gyfer Mentrau Newydd: Roedd angen arweiniad ar entrepreneuriaid wrth greu cynlluniau busnes a gosod blaenoriaethau ar gyfer eu busnes newydd. Cynorthwyodd tîm THRIVE i ddrafftio datganiadau gweledigaeth a chenhadaeth, sefydlu dangosyddion perfformiad allweddol (DPA) a chynnal ymchwil marchnad i lywio penderfyniadau strategol.
  3. Marchnata ac Ymgysylltu â’r Gynulleidfa: Roedd angen cymorth ar weithwyr proffesiynol creadigol i nodi cynigion, blaenoriaethu ffrydiau incwm, hyrwyddo digwyddiadau, a gwneud y mwyaf o gyfleoedd refeniw. Darparodd y prosiect gymorth marchnata i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd targed yn effeithiol. 
  4. Hyfforddiant Cymunedol a Symud Gwirfoddolwyr: Nod y prosiect oedd gwella lles cymunedol trwy hyfforddi unigolion mewn sgiliau achub bywyd hanfodol. Roedd ein hymagwedd ymgysylltu llawr gwlad yn ein galluogi i rymuso unigolion lleol i ddod yn wirfoddolwyr llesiant, gan gryfhau rhwydweithiau cymorth cymunedol.

Trwy fynd i’r afael â’r heriau hyn gydag atebion proffesiynol wedi’u targedu, cefnogodd y tîm masnachol a Phrosiect THRIVE yn effeithiol anghenion amrywiol busnesau, unigolion a sefydliadau yn sir Benfro.