The Thrive Project – Case Study: Shahnaz Scully


The THRIVE project is a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council and delivered by Really Pro to the people of Pembrokeshire.

Shahnaz Scully – Tendernest – Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire – Case Study Thrive Project

Shahnaz Scully, owner of Tendernest, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire engaged with the Thrive project in August 2024. The focus for the sessions was around creating a business plan and identifying the priorities for the next steps in her business. Shahnaz wrote her vision and mission, created KPI’s and carried out extensive research of the local area. We looked at her offers and refined her pricing plans for the future.

Shahnaz Scully – Tendernest – Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro – Astudiaeth Achos Prosiect Ffynnu

Ymgysylltodd Shahnaz Scully, perchennog Tendernest, Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro â’r prosiect Thrive ym mis Awst 2024. Roedd ffocws y sesiynau ar greu cynllun busnes a nodi’r blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y camau nesaf yn ei busnes. Ysgrifennodd Shahnaz ei gweledigaeth a’i chenhadaeth, creodd DPA a gwnaeth ymchwil helaeth i’r ardal leol. Gwnaethom edrych ar ei chynigion a mireinio ei chynlluniau prisio ar gyfer y dyfodol.

“The advice on aligning my business model with my mission has been particularly beneficial.”

Mae’r cyngor ar alinio fy model busnes â’m cenhadaeth wedi bod yn arbennig o fuddiol.

After 3 business support sessions Shahnaz said “The advice on aligning my business model with my mission has been particularly beneficial, ensuring that I remain true to my core values while pursuing growth. I also found the support in financial planning and management incredibly helpful. Your insights into budgeting, forecasting, and maintaining financial health have equipped me with the knowledge I need to make informed decisions as I navigate the business landscape.”

She also thanked her advisor on the project remarking that she “has been consistently supportive and attentive throughout the process. Her encouragement and expertise have provided me with the confidence to move forward. Her dedication to offering practical solutions and her responsiveness to my questions have made all the difference.”

Shahnaz’s business is heading in the right direction so from the team at Really Pro we wish her well in her future endeavours.

Ar ôl 3 sesiwn cymorth busnes, dywedodd Shahnaz “Mae’r cyngor ar alinio fy model busnes â’m cenhadaeth wedi bod yn arbennig o fuddiol, gan sicrhau fy mod yn aros yn driw i’m gwerthoedd craidd wrth fynd ar drywydd twf. Roedd y cymorth ym maes cynllunio a rheoli ariannol hefyd yn hynod ddefnyddiol. Mae eich mewnwelediad i gyllidebu, rhagweld, a chynnal iechyd ariannol wedi rhoi’r wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnaf i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus wrth i mi lywio’r dirwedd fusnes.”

Diolchodd hefyd i’w chynghorydd ar y prosiect gan ddweud ei bod “wedi bod yn gyson gefnogol a sylwgar drwy gydol y broses. Mae ei hanogaeth a’i harbenigedd wedi rhoi’r hyder i mi symud ymlaen. Mae ei hymroddiad i gynnig atebion ymarferol a’i hymatebolrwydd i’m cwestiynau wedi gwneud byd o wahaniaeth.”

Mae busnes Shahnaz yn mynd i’r cyfeiriad cywir felly o’r tîm yn Really Pro rydym yn dymuno’n dda iddi yn ei hymdrechion yn y dyfodol.