
The THRIVE project is a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council and delivered by Really Pro to the people of Pembrokeshire.

Dionne Short, owner of Pembrokeshire Equine Services, Roch, Pembrokeshire engaged with the Thrive project in November 2023 in the hopes of streamlining and automating her booking process for her new and existing customers. We helped her to create an automated online booking calendar and secure payment platform connecting everything together so that the client information fed into a secure CRM and payments were transferred safely to her bank. This will improve the customer experience and as a sole trader, free up Dionne’s time to concentrate on delivering an excellent service to her customers.

Mae Prosiect THRIVE yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariennir gan Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU, a weinyddir gan Gyngor Sir Penfro ac a gyflwynir gan Really Pro i bobl Sir Benfro.

Mae Dionne Short perchennog Gwasanaethau Ceffylau Sir Benfro, Y Garn, Sir Benfro, wedi bod wrthi’n gwneud y prosiect Ffynnu ym mis Tachwedd 2023, yn y gobaith o liflinio ac awtomeiddio ei phroses archebu ar gyfer ei chwsmeriaid newydd a chyfredol. Fe wnaethom helpu i greu calendr archebu awtomeiddio ar-lein a llwyfan talu diogel sy’n uno popeth
gyda’i gilydd, fel bod gwybodaeth y dibynnir yn bwydo i mewn i CRM diogel a thaliadau’n cael eu trosglwyddo’n ddiogel i’w banc. Bydd hyn yn gwella profiad y cwsmer ac fel masnachwr unigol, yn rhyddhau amser Dionne i ganolbwyntio ar ddarparu gwasanaeth rhagorol i’w chwsmeriaid.

Pembrokeshire Equine Services

““I really appreciate the support I received. It has given me the tools required to get my business online”


“Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi’r gefnogaeth a gefais yn wir. Mae e wedi rhoi’r offer angenrheidiol i mi gael fy musnes ar-lein”

Read the full testimonial below:

Owner, Dionne Short said “I really appreciate the support I received. It has given me the tools required to get my business online with my own booking calendar and automated payment system. We also made changes to my booking form to link with a customer relationship management tool (CRM) called Hubspot using Zapier! I received a very professional service from the team at Really Pro”

Dywedodd y perchennog, Dionne Short: “Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi’r gefnogaeth a gefais yn wir. Mae e wedi rhoi’r offer angenrheidiol i mi gael fy musnes ar-lein gyda chalendr archebu fy hun a system dalu awtomataidd. Gwnaethom hefyd newidiadau i fy ffurflen archebu i gysylltu ag offeryn rheoli perthnasoedd cwsmeriaid (CRM) o’r enw Hubspot gan ddefnyddio Zapier! Cefais wasanaeth proffesiynol iawn gan y tîm yn Really Pro”

If you are interested in receiving FREE business support from us via the Thrive project, click HERE for more information and fill out an enquiry form to get started. Alternatively, send us a DM and someone will get back to you. Please note – you must be based in Pembrokeshire! We look forward to working with you soon.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn derbyn cymorth busnes AM DDIM gennym ni trwy’r prosiect Thrive, cliciwch YMA am fwy o wybodaeth a llenwch ffurflen ymholiad i gychwyn arni. Fel arall, anfonwch DM atom a bydd rhywun yn cysylltu â chi yn ôl. Sylwch – mae’n rhaid eich bod wedi’ch lleoli yn Sir Benfro! Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda chi yn fuan.