The Thrive Project – Case Study: Matthew Griffiths & Daisy Roberts, Five Elements Performing Arts

Matthew Griffiths & Daisy Roberts, Five Elements Performing Arts, Haverfordwest engaged with the Thrive project in February 2024 whilst they are both still in Pembrokeshire college studying performing arts and at the very beginning of their entrepreneurial journey. They were very clear about their vision for their business having thought of the idea whilst at college, so our job was to help them turn that into a reality!

Together we created a comprehensive business action plan which included a SWOT analysis & PESTLE research tool, market/industry trends, audience profiling and targeting, competitor analysis, marketing and sales, operations, legal/regulatory matters, contingency planning and finances. We researched and secured their business domains, hosting account and professional email address and after doing some research together they both decided that was the best of 3 platforms for attracting new clients and growing their email list.

Mae Matthew Griffiths a Daisy Roberts, Celfyddydau Perfformiadol Five Elements, Hwlffordd wedi dyweddi efo’r prosiect Thrive yn Chwefror 2024, tra bod y ddau yn dal i astudio Celfyddydau Perfformiadol ac maent ar ddechreuad taith entrepreneuriaid. Roeddynt yn glir iawn am sut roeddynt eisiau’r weledigaeth busnes ac wedi meddwl am y syniad tra yn y
coleg, felly ein gwaith ni oedd eu helpu i droi hynny’n realiti!


Gyda’n gilydd fe wnaethom greu cynllun gweithredu busnes cynhwysfawr a oedd yn cynnwys dadansoddiad CGCB ac erfyn ymchwil GECTCA, argoelion farchnad/diwydiant, proffilio a thargedu cynulleidfaoedd, dadansoddi cystadleuwyr, marchnata a gwerthu, gweithrediadau, materion cyfreithiol/rheoleiddio, cynllunio wrth gefn a chyllid. Fe wnaethom ymchwilio a sicrhau eu parthau busnes, eu cyfrif cynnal a’u cyfeiriad e-bost proffesiynol ac ar ôl gwneud rhywfaint o ymchwil gyda’i gilydd penderfynodd y ddau mae oedd y gorau o’r 3 platfform ar gyfer denu cleientiaid newydd a thyfu eu rhestr e-bost.

Matthew Griffiths _ Daisy Roberts -

The service provided by Really Pro was extremely helpful and allowed us to get our “ducks in a row

Roedd y gwasanaeth a ddarparwyd gan Really Pro yn hynod o ddefnyddiol ac yn gadael i ni gael ein “hwyaid mewn rhes”

Owner, Matthew Griffiths and Daisy Roberts said “The service provided by Really Pro was extremely helpful and allowed us to get our “ducks in a row” before setting up and establishing our new business idea. The action-orientated support we accessed completely free via the Thrive project gave us the tools to take our business idea forward”.

We would like to wish Matthew & Daisy the very best of luck with their new business venture.

Dywedodd y perchennog, Matthew Griffiths a Daisy Roberts “Roedd y gwasanaeth a ddarparwyd gan Really Pro yn hynod o ddefnyddiol ac yn gadael i ni gael ein “hwyaid mewn rhes” cyn sefydlu a gosod ein syniad busnes newydd. Roedd y gefnogaeth cyfeiriedig-effaith a dderbyniwyd trwy’r Prosiect Thrive, am ddim,  wedi rhoi’r offer i ni symud ein syniad busnes ymlaen.”

Hoffem ddymuno pob lwc i Matthew & Daisy gyda’u menter busnes newydd.

If you are interested in receiving FREE business support from us via the Thrive project, click HERE for more information and fill out an enquiry form to get started. Alternatively, send us a DM and someone will get back to you. Please note – you must be based in Pembrokeshire! We look forward to working with you soon.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn derbyn cymorth busnes AM DDIM gennym ni trwy’r prosiect Thrive, cliciwch YMA am fwy o wybodaeth a llenwch ffurflen ymholiad i gychwyn arni. Fel arall, anfonwch DM atom a bydd rhywun yn cysylltu â chi yn ôl. Sylwch – mae’n rhaid eich bod wedi’ch lleoli yn Sir Benfro! Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda chi yn fuan.