
The THRIVE project is a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council and delivered by Really Pro to the people of Pembrokeshire.

Helen Cole, A Pocketful of Pictures from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire – Case Study Thrive Project

Helen Cole, owner of A pocketful of pictures from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire is a printmaker, mixed-media artist & tutor and first engaged with the Thrive project in April 2024. Helen wanted strategic advice to enable her to identify her offers, prioritise income streams, promote her events and maximise revenue opportunities as well as marketing support to enable her to get the message out to her audience.

Helen Cole, ‘A Pocketful of Pictures’ yn Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro – Prosiect THRIVE Astudiaeth Achos

Mae Helen Cole, perchennog ‘A Pocketful of Pictures’ o Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro yn wneuthurwr printiau, yn artist cyfrwng cymysg ac yn diwtor a ymgysylltodd gyntaf â phrosiect THRIVE ym mis Ebrill 2024. Roedd Helen eisiau cyngor strategol i’w galluogi i nodi ei chynigion, blaenoriaethu ffrydiau incwm, hyrwyddo ei digwyddiadau a gwneud y mwyaf o gyfleoedd refeniw yn ogystal â chymorth marchnata i’w galluogi i gyfleu’r neges i’w chynulleidfa.

Helen Cole Approved picture

“The Really Pro team helped me prioritise and categorise tasks within my new creative business project”

“Fe wnaeth tîm Really Pro helpu fi i flaenoriaethu a chategoreiddio tasgau o fewn fy mhrosiect busnes creadigol newydd”

Owner, Helen said “The Really Pro team helped me prioritise and categorise tasks within my new creative business project. This is a big area for me as there’s always so much to do.  They also supported me with boosting my confidence to keep putting my work and products out there for people to find!”

We hope that with our business support Helen has been able to achieve this and would like to wish Helen all the very best in the future.

Dywedodd y perchennog, Helen “Fe wnaeth tîm Really Pro helpu fi i flaenoriaethu a chategoreiddio tasgau o fewn fy mhrosiect busnes creadigol newydd. Mae hwn yn faes mawr i mi gan fod cymaint i’w wneud trwy’r amser. Fe wnaethon nhw hefyd fy nghefnogi i tyfu fy hyder i barhau i roi fy ngwaith a’m nwyddau allan yn y byd i bobl ddod o hyd iddyn nhw!”

Rydym yn obeithiol, gyda’n cymorth busnes, fod Helen yn gallu cyflawni hyn a hoffem ddymuno’r gorau i Helen yn y dyfodol.

If you are interested in receiving FREE business support from us via the Thrive project, click HERE for more information and fill out an enquiry form to get started. Alternatively, send us a DM and someone will get back to you. Please note – you must be based in Pembrokeshire! We look forward to working with you soon.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn derbyn cymorth busnes AM DDIM gennym ni trwy’r prosiect Thrive, cliciwch YMA am fwy o wybodaeth a llenwch ffurflen ymholiad i gychwyn arni. Fel arall, anfonwch DM atom a bydd rhywun yn cysylltu â chi yn ôl. Sylwch – mae’n rhaid eich bod wedi’ch lleoli yn Sir Benfro! Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda chi yn fuan.