The Hospitality Academi – Case Study: The Phil Bennett, Felinfoel

The Hospitality Academi is a dynamic fully funded skills project. The project is designed to help hospitality, leisure, accommodation and tourism businesses across Carmarthenshire to upskill, retrain and attract new staff.

Ryan Guard, Manager of The Phil Bennett and his staff were the recent beneficiaries of FREE L2 Basic Life Skills & Safe use of a AED Defibrillator via The Hospitality Academi project.

Mae’r Academi Lletygarwch yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariennir yn llawn. Cynlluniwyd y prosiect i helpu busnesau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety a thwristiaeth ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin i uwchsgilio, ailhyfforddi a denu staff newydd.

Ryan Guard, Rheolwr Y Phil Bennett a’i staff wedi ymuno’n diweddar ar cwrs Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol L2 AM DDIM a Defnydd Diogel o Ddiffibriliwr AED trwy’r brosiect Academi Lletygarwch.

Very good training! Understandable and helpful!“Ryan Guard, Manager

“Hyfforddiant da iawn! Dealladwy a chymwynasgar!“Ryan Guard, Manager

“Very helpful training, being hands on and clear demonstrations” Rosie Williams, Kitchen Supervisor

“Hyfforddiant defnyddiol iawn, wedi bod yn ymarferol ac arddangosiadau clir” Rosie Williams, Goruchwyliwr y Gegin.

To book your FREE staff training, please get in touch with us by calling our team on 01437 224568 or emailing

I archebu eich hyfforddiant staff AM DDIM, cysylltwch â ni drwy ffonio ein tîm 01437 224568 neu e-bost