
The Hospitality Academi is a dynamic fully funded skills project. The project is designed to help hospitality, leisure, accommodation and tourism businesses across Carmarthenshire to upskill, retrain and attract new staff.

On the 12th of August, 7 individuals from Marzanos, Llanelli took part in attending free L2 Basic life skills & safe use of an AED Defibrillator training via the Hospitality Academi project. The project is designed to help hospitality, leisure, accommodation and tourism businesses across Carmarthenshire to upskill, retrain and attract new staff.

Marzanos is a family run cafe business located in Llanelli town centre. The family wanted to keep their customers safer by learning some basic life saving skills and understanding how to use a Defibrillator. The staff felt much happier after doing the training as they felt more equipped to deal with an emergency situation.

Mae’r Academi Lletygarwch yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariennir yn llawn. Cynlluniwyd y prosiect i helpu busnesau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety a thwristiaeth ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin i uwchsgilio, ailhyfforddi a denu staff newydd.

Ar y 12fed o Awst, cymerodd 7 unigolion o Marzanos, Llanelli, rhan mewn mynychu hyfforddiant Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol L2 am ddim a Defnydd Diogel o Ddiffibriliwr AED trwy brosiect Academi Lletygarwch. Cynlluniwyd y prosiect i helpu busnesau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety a thwristiaeth ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin i uwchsgilio, ailhyfforddi a denu staff newydd.

Mae Marzanos yn fusnes caffi teuluol yng nghanol tref Llanelli. Roedd y teulu eisiau cadw eu cwsmeriaid yn fwy diogel trwy ddysgu rhai sgiliau achub bywyd sylfaenol a deall sut i ddefnyddio Diffibriliwr. Roedd y staff yn teimlo’n llawer hapusach ar ôl gwneud yr hyfforddiant gan eu bod yn teimlo’n fwy parod i ddelio â sefyllfa o argyfwng.

“Thank you, you have been amazing and explained everything perfectly” Andrew Marzano, Manager

“Diolch, rydych chi wedi bod yn anhygoel ac wedi egluro popeth yn berffaith” Andrew Marzano, Manager

To book your FREE staff training, please get in touch with us by calling our team on 01437 224568 or emailing

I archebu eich hyfforddiant staff AM DDIM, cysylltwch â ni drwy ffonio ein tîm 01437 224568 neu e-bost

Funded by the UK Government | Wedi ei ariannu gan llywodraeth y du

Hospitality Academi Bilingual Logo
Carmarthenshire County Council SPF Logo