
 8 Mansel St, Carmarthen
SA31 1PX

  0844 870 7568


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Really Pro - Approved Training Provider


The new Farming Connect programme was launched in October 2015 to provide a wide range of advisory and training support solutions for Farmers, Forestry and Agri-Businesses across Wales.

Farming Connect


Running a busy farm / agri-business can be challenging and the future looks set for a bumpy ride. Without ‘Know How’ you’ll never grow your farming / rural business and with much change ahead now is the time for you to get the skills you will need to get ahead.

The new Farming Connect scheme is here to help you get ahead. You could access a range of short accredited training courses that are 80% funded (if eligible) to help you meet your business objectives in business, technical and machinery related topics.  

Registered individuals  will only be able to apply for the funding during open application windows. To register for Farming Connect please click HERE>>.

Please see future window dates:

6 March – 31 March 2017

Further 2017 windows will be announced shortly.


Eligible individuals, holding owners, family members and workers can apply for 80% funded training solutions from a range of approved Farming Connect providers.

Really Pro Ltd has been approved to deliver training on behalf of Farming Connect.

We can help you and your business, develop the skills and ‘Know How’  you will need to meet the future challenges ahead with short courses in business, marketing, financial planning, management – designed to give you:

  • Focus & Clarity
  • Direction & Skills
  • Practical Know How (no jargon)

Farming Connect


Planning, marketing, managing finances & people is all part of running a successful farm / rural business but often these skills are lacking in owner’s, family members and workers. Many farms ‘sub’ out this work / skills to costly consultants or simply DO NOT plan their next steps. This approach is littered with financial uncertainty and in truth will no longer work for even the smallest of holdings as the agricultural world is moving forward and only those who skilfully plan ahead will succeed. So why not let us help you get the skills you need to do this yourself? 


Farming Connect


We appreciate not everyone can just ‘up sticks’ and go on a course, it’s not always practical especially when you run a busy farm / rural business and someone has to be there.

Also some family members are carers, have children and other circumstances that can prevent them from leaving the farm / rural business to access support / skills offered in traditional settings, which is why we have a flexible delivery approach and can deliver our courses on site at your farm or rural business at convenient times and on a 1-2-1 basis.

Farming Connect


Register yourself, your family members and co-workers with Farming Connect for a BOSS online profile. Click here >> You will need your CRN, CPH and personal details including an email address for each person to hand!

If your application is eligible you will receive confirmation from Farming Connect via letter and email and will be issued with a BAS & CON Number and each individual will receive a USERNAME. You will need to keep this communication safe to progress forward. Eligible people will need to complete an online Personal Development Plan (PDP) noting the skills required, the reasons why you need support and course information. Click here to complete your PDP >>

Help is on hand to complete PDPs via Local Development Officers, PDP Surgeries and we can help too.

After completing your PDP each applicant will need to complete an application for each course applied for in the PDP from a list of approved providers of which Really Pro Ltd is an approved provider.

The Farming Connect programme offers a new skills and mentoring programme for individuals to register and apply for support.

Additional support for eligible individuals can also be accessed through various elements of the new programme including Mentoring, Agrisgôp, the Agri-Academy and the Farming Connect Management Exchange Programme please click here>>

Farming Connect Support Centre number: 0845 6000813


Keep Up To Date

If you want to contact us to discuss your training needs, please call 0844 870 7568 or send us an e-mail. If you would like to join our email mailing list, enter your details here.

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Swansea, Carmarthen, Pembrokeshire
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0844 870 7568