
The THRIVE project is a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council and delivered by Really Pro to the people of Pembrokeshire.

Louise Beale, Violet Butterfly Holistic Therapies – Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire – Case Study Thrive Project

Louise Beale, owner of Violet Butterfly Holistic Therapies, Haverfordwest – Pembrokeshire engaged with the Thrive project in May 2024. Violet Butterfly Holistic Therapies is based in Pembroke Dock at a brand-new location—1 Dimond Street, SA72 6AH at Chloe’s Beauty & Aesthetics.

Louise Beale, Violet Butterfly Holistic Therapies – Halfords, Sir Benfro. Astudiaeth Achos Prosiect Thrive.

Ymgysylltodd Louise Beale, perchennog Violet Butterfly Holistic Therapies, Hwlffordd – Sir Benfro â’r prosiect Thrive ym mis Mai 2024. Mae Violet Butterfly Holistic Therapes wedi’i lleoli yn Noc Penfro mewn lleoliad newydd sbon—1 Stryd Deimwnt, SA72 6AH yn Chloe’s Beauty & Aesthetics.

“I have found the sessions very beneficial and feel much more confident in creating and managing my social media promotions.”

“Mae’r sesiynau wedi bod yn fuddiol iawn ac rwy’n teimlo’n llawer mwy hyderus wrth greu a rheoli fy hyrwyddiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol.”

The focus for the Thrive sessions was creating a process to manage her digital marketing and increase brand awareness. After 3 business support sessions, Louise said “I have found the sessions very beneficial and feel much more confident in creating and managing my social media promotions. I am also excited to go forward with my ideas and plans for the future of my business.”

We wish Louise well with her thriving beauty & wellbeing business.

Ffocws y sesiynau Thrive oedd creu proses i reoli ei marchnata digidol a chynyddu ymwybyddiaeth brand. Ar ôl 3 sesiwn cymorth busnes Thrive, dywedodd Louise “Mae’r sesiynau wedi bod yn fuddiol iawn ac rwy’n teimlo’n llawer mwy hyderus wrth greu a rheoli fy hyrwyddiadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Rwy’n gyffrous iawn i symud ymlaen gyda fy syniadau a chynlluniau ar gyfer dyfodol fy musnes.”

Rydym yn dymuno’n dda i Louise gyda’i busnes harddwch a lles ffyniannus.


Hospitality Academi: Empowering Carmarthenshire’s Hospitality Industry

The Hospitality Academi was a dynamic skills project funded by the UK Government, administered by Carmarthenshire County Council.

The Hospitality Academi provided a transformative opportunity for hospitality, leisure, accommodation, and tourism businesses across Carmarthenshire from August 2023 to January 2025. Designed to support the sector’s growth and resilience, the project offered fully funded short courses at Level 2, enabling businesses to upskill their teams, retrain staff, and attract new talent.

Academi Lletygarwch: Grymuso Diwydiant Lletygarwch Sir Gaerfyrddin

Roedd yr Academi Lletygarwch yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU, a weinyddir gan Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin.

Darparodd yr Academi Lletygarwch gyfle trawsnewidiol i fusnesau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety a thwristiaeth ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin, o fis Awst 2023 i fis Ionawr 2025. Wedi’i gynllunio i gefnogi twf a gwytnwch y sector, cynigiodd y prosiect gyrsiau byr wedi’u hariannu’n llawn ar Lefel 2, gan alluogi busnesau i uwchsgilio eu timau, ailhyfforddi staff, a denu talent newydd.

Read the full report from the project below | Darllenwch yr adroddiad llawn or prosiect isod

Key Achievements

During the project, the team reached out to people living in all corners of the county, including; Whitland, Llandeilo, Llanelli, Llandovery, Ammanford, St Clears and Cross Hands as well as the town of Carmarthen itself. We worked with 26 businesses in the sector including charitable organisations based in the county of Carmarthenshire.

The project proudly supported 187 participants gain a Level 2 or 3 qualification, marking a significant milestone in strengthening the skills and capabilities of the Carmarthenshire workforce with a range of training including the following;

  • L2 Basic Life Skills & Safe Use of a Defibrillator
  • L2 Health & Safety Skills in the Workplace
  • L2 Food Safety for Catering / Retail in the Workplace

  • L2 Allergen Awareness
  • L2 Risk Assessment Skills in the Workplace
  • L3 Emergency First Aid in the Workplace

By equipping participants with practical expertise, the initiative not only benefited current staff retention but also paved the way to attract newcomers to enter and thrive in the industry.

So who exactly benefited from participating in the project?

The Hospitality Academi project supported a broad range of participants, including the following:

  • Business owners in the hospitality, leisure, accommodation, or tourism sectors
  • Employees seeking further training to advance their careers
  • Individuals looking to transition into these industries, including unemployed

  • School leavers in Carmarthenshire exploring career opportunities
  • People transitioning from parental or caregiving responsibilities, seeking flexible employment or a career change

The breakdown of the 187 participants who were supported to gain a qualification in the project included the following;

  • Employees – 131
  • Economically Inactive (not working, retired, volunteering) – 26

  • Leaving school end of year 11 or 13 – 27
  • Unemployed – 3

By providing tailored training and practical qualifications, the project empowered participants to develop their skills, stabilise their careers and even start their own ventures within the industry.

Challenges and Solutions

The project overcame several hurdles, including raising awareness and engaging participants, managing data efficiently, delivering certificates promptly and coordinating venues for training sessions. Through collaboration with trainers and staff within Really Pro Limited, the team successfully delivered on these challenges, ensuring a seamless experience for individual participants and business owners.

This project was made possible through the collective efforts of our dedicated trainers and staff, the project team at Really Pro Limited and the unwavering support of Carmarthenshire County Council. Together, we achieved our shared goal of creating lasting opportunities for individuals and businesses alike.

Llwyddiannau Allweddol

Yn ystod y prosiect, cysylltodd y tîm gyda phobl sy’n byw ym mhob cornel o’r sir, gan gynnwys; Hendy-gwyn ar Daf, Llandeilo, Llanelli, Llanymddyfri, Rhydaman, Sanclêr a Cross Hands, yn ogystal ar dref Caerfyrddin ei hun. Buom yn gweithio gyda 26 o fusnesau yn y sector gan gynnwys sefydliadau elusennol yn Sir Gaerfyrddin.

Roedd y prosiect yn falch o gefnogi 187 o gyfranogwyr i ennill cymhwyster Lefel 2 neu 3, gan nodi carreg filltir arwyddocaol o ran cryfhau sgiliau a galluoedd gweithlu Sir Gaerfyrddin, gydag ystod o hyfforddiant gan gynnwys y canlynol;

  • L2 Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol a Defnydd Diogel o Ddiffibriliwr
  • L2 Sgiliau Iechyd a Diogelwch yn y Gweithle
  • L2 Diogelwch Bwyd ar gyfer Arlwyo / Manwerthu yn y Gweithle

  • L2 Ymwybyddiaeth o Alergenau
  • Sgiliau Asesu Risg L2 yn y Gweithle
  • L3 Chymorth Cyntaf Brys yn y Gweithle

Trwy arfogi cyfranogwyr ag arbenigedd ymarferol, roedd y fenter nid yn unig yn cefnogi staff presennol ond hefyd yn paratoi’r ffordd i ddenu newydd-ddyfodiaid i ymuno â’r diwydiant a ffynnu ynddo.

Felly pwy yn union gafodd fudd o gymryd rhan yn y prosiect?

Cefnogodd prosiect yr Academi Lletygarwch amrywiaeth eang o gyfranogwyr, gan gynnwys y canlynol:

  • Perchnogion busnes yn y sectorau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety neu dwristiaeth
  • Gweithwyr sy’n ceisio hyfforddiant pellach i ddatblygu eu gyrfaoedd
  • Unigolion sydd am drosglwyddo i’r diwydiannau hyn, gan gynnwys y di-waith

  • Ymadawyr ysgol yn Sir Gaerfyrddin yn archwilio cyfleoedd gyrfa
  • Pobl sy’n trosglwyddo o gyfrifoldeb rhiant neu ofalwr, sy’n ceisio cyflogaeth hyblyg neu newid gyrfa

Roedd y dadansoddiad o’r 187 o gyfranogwyr a gafodd gymorth i ennill cymhwyster yn y prosiect, yn cynnwys y canlynol;

  • Gweithwyr – 131
  • Anweithredol (ddim yn gweithio, wedi ymddeol, yn gwirfoddoli) – 26

  • Ymadawyr ysgol ar ddiwedd blwyddyn 11 neu 13 – 27
  • Di-waith – 3

Trwy ddarparu hyfforddiant wedi’i deilwra a chymwysterau ymarferol, roedd y prosiect yn galluogi cyfranogwyr i ddatblygu eu sgiliau, sefydlogi eu gyrfaoedd a hyd yn oed ddechrau eu mentrau eu hunain o fewn y diwydiant.

Heriau ac Atebion

Llwyddodd y prosiect i oresgyn sawl rhwystr, gan gynnwys codi ymwybyddiaeth ac ymgysylltu â chyfranogwyr, rheoli data’n effeithlon, cyflwyno tystysgrifau’n brydlon a chydlynu lleoliadau ar gyfer sesiynau hyfforddi. Trwy gydweithio â hyfforddwyr a staff yn Really Pro Llymeitid, cyflawnodd y tîm yr heriau hyn yn llwyddiannus, gan sicrhau profiad di-dor i gyfranogwyr unigol a pherchnogion busnes.

Roedd y prosiect hwn wedi’i wneud yn bosib trwy ymdrechion ar y cyd ein hyfforddwyr a’n staff ymroddedig, tîm y prosiect yn Really Pro Llymeitid a chefnogaeth ddiwyro Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin. Gyda’n gilydd, fe wnaethom gyflawni ein nod cyffredin o greu cyfleoedd parhaol i unigolion a busnesau fel ei gilydd.

Case Study

The Golden Lion Carmarthen

Zoe Mitchell, employer and business owner of the Golden Lion in Carmarthen wrote this after receiving FREE Level 2 Basic Life Skills and Use of AED Defibrillator training for her business and staff via The Hospitality Academi project funded by the UK Government.

“I have worked with my team and volunteers from the community to fundraise to purchase and install most of the defibrillators that are located in the town centre in Carmarthen. I feel very strongly about helping people access them. As an employer and business owner we were so pleased Really Pro came to train me and my staff. It means we can share our knowledge of how to use the defibrillators we have worked so hard to receive for the town. Everyone should know how to use them; excellent training!“.

Astudiaeth achos

Ysgrifennodd Zoe Mitchel, cyflogwr a pherchennog busnes y Golden Lion yng Nghaerfyrddin, ar ôl dderbyn hyfforddiant Sgiliau Bywyd Sylfaenol Lefel 2 AM DDIM a Defnyddio Diffibriliwr AED ar gyfer ei busnes a’i staff trwy’r prosiect  cademi Lletygarwch a ariennir yn llawn gan Lywodraeth y DU.

“Rwyf wedi gweithio gyda fy nhîm a gwirfoddolwyr o’r gymuned, i godi arian i brynu a gosod y rhan fwyaf o’r diffibrilwr sydd wedi’u lleoli yng nghanol y dref yng Nghaerfyrddin. Rwy’n teimlo’n gryf iawn am helpu pobl i gael mynediad atynt. Fel cyflogwr a pherchennog busnes, roeddwn mor falch bod Really Pro wedi dod i’m hyfforddi i a’m staff. Mae’n golygu y gallwn rannu ein gwybodaeth am sut i ddefnyddio’r diffibrilwr y rydym wedi gweithio mor galed i sicrhau ar gyfer y dref. Dylai pawb wybod sut i’w defnyddio; hyfforddiant rhagorol!”

Looking Ahead

As the project concludes, we reflect with pride on the impact it has had in enabling individuals to gain qualifications, find meaningful employment and grow within their chosen fields. Though the initiative has ended, its benefits will continue to ripple across the hospitality sector in Carmarthenshire, inspiring growth and development, strengthening the workforce and instilling resilience in the county for the future.

A huge thank you to everyone who took part and supported the project, to Carmarthenshire County Council for administering and to the UK Government for funding the project.

Edrych Ymlaen

Wrth i’r prosiect ddod i ben, rydym yn myfyrio gyda balchder ar yr effaith y mae wedi’i chael wrth alluogi unigolion i ennill cymwysterau, dod o hyd i gyflogaeth ystyrlon a thyfu o fewn eu meysydd dewisedig. Er bod y fenter wedi dod i ben, bydd ei manteision yn parhau i ymledu ar draws sector lletygarwch yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, gan ysbrydoli twf a datblygiad, cryfhau’r gweithlu a meithrin gwytnwch yn y sir ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Rydym yn ddiolchgar iawn i bawb a chymerodd ran a chefnogwyd y prosiect, i Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin am weinyddu ac i Lywodraeth y DU am ariannu’r prosiect.

Funded by the UK Government | Wedi ei ariannu gan llywodraeth y du

Hospitality Academi Bilingual Logo
Carmarthenshire County Council SPF Logo


The Hospitality Academi – Case Study: Gwili Railway, Abergwili

The Hospitality Academi is a dynamic fully funded skills project. The project is designed to help hospitality, leisure, accommodation and tourism businesses across Carmarthenshire to upskill, retrain and attract new staff.

Jeremy John, Business Administrator & colleagues at the Gwili Railway, Carmarthen were the recent beneficiaries of an FFA Award in L2 basic life support and safe use of an automatic external defibrillator training via The Hospitality Academi project delivered by Really Pro Ltd. The training was delivered onsite with everyone thoroughly enjoying the day. Jeremy John said that the trainer did a “superb presentation”.

Gwili Railway is one of the UK’s most picturesque, preserved lines. Set in beautiful countryside with abundant wildlife, the line follows the River Gwili on a steady uphill journey through farmland and wooded hillsides. The Gwili Railway offers Santa Special steam train rides fun for all the family during November and December.

Yr Academi Lletygarwch – Astudiaeth Achos: Rheilffordd Gwili, Abergwili

Mae’r Academi Lletygarwch yn brosiect sgiliau deinamig a ariennir yn llawn. Cynlluniwyd y prosiect i helpu busnesau lletygarwch, hamdden, llety a thwristiaeth ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin i uwchsgilio, ailhyfforddi a denu staff newydd.

Roedd Jeremy John, Gweinyddwr Busnes a chydweithwyr yn Rheilffordd Gwili, Caerfyrddin, yn fuddiolwyr diweddar i Wobr FFA mewn cynnal bywyd sylfaenol L2, a Defnydd Diogel o Hyfforddiant Diffibriliwr Allanol Awtomatig trwy brosiect Academi Lletygarwch a ddarparwyd gan Really Pro Ltd. Cyflwynwyd yr hyfforddiant ar y safle gyda phawb wedi mwynhau’r diwrnod yn fawr. Dywedodd Jeremy John fod yr hyfforddwr wedi gwneud “cyflwyniad gwych”.

Rheilffordd Gwili yw un o leiniau mwyaf prydferth, cadwedig y DU. Wedi’i lleoli mewn cefn gwlad hardd gyda digonedd o fywyd gwyllt, mae’r lein yn dilyn Afon Gwili ar daith gyson i fyny’r allt trwy dir fferm a llethrau coediog. Mae Rheilffordd Gwili yn cynnig reidiau trên stêm Siôn Corn yn hwyl i’r teulu cyfan yn ystod Tachwedd a Rhagfyr.

“Superb presentation” Jeremy John, Gwili Railway

“Cyflwyniad gwych” Jeremy John, Rheilffordd Gwili

To book your FREE staff training, please get in touch with us by calling our team on 01437 224568 or emailing

I archebu eich hyfforddiant staff AM DDIM, cysylltwch â ni drwy ffonio ein tîm 01437 224568 neu e-bost

Funded by the UK Government | Wedi ei ariannu gan llywodraeth y du

Hospitality Academi Bilingual Logo
Carmarthenshire County Council SPF Logo

Really Pro were privileged to work with a group of Year 10 pupils at Sir Thomas Picton School in Pembrokeshire as part of the school curriculum. Our work resulted in 12 pupils gaining an Agored Cymru Level 1 Business Qualification and a range of vocational and transferrable employability skills. The Inspire 2 Succeed programme comprised of 5 sessions spread across 5 weeks. During the course of sessions, pupils gained a range of skills in digital literacy, financial management, business and enterprise skills, communication and leadership culminating with the launch of their company aptly called ‘BAD Generation’ – a play on words with the meaning ‘brilliant and determined’.

Part of the program with the Year 10 group involved developing a continuation of activities that could be sustained post completion of the 5 week programme resulting in the formation of a management team lead by the Year 10 group. The groups success in forming their company has lead to the production of a free download single called ‘Lost Boy’, a range of clothing and merchandise that was designed and produced for retail via a dedicated website that was also created and launched by the Year 10 group as part of the overall activity during the course of the 5 week programme.

The Year 10 group also integrated into their business model social objectives that included supporting local young carers in Pembrokeshire via proceeds derived from the sale of the merchandise sold online from their website. The ethos behind this social objective was driven from core members of the Year 10 group who are also young carers.




Please show your support and follow Sir Thomas Picton Schools Facebook Page responsibly. Click Here.