The Thrive Project – Case Study: Samantha Hewer, Sammi’s Aesthetics

Samantha Hewer, owner of Sammi’s Aesthetics from Narberth, Pembrokeshire is a fully qualified Aesthetician who has set-up her own beauty business in Narberth. Sammi first engaged with the Thrive project in May 2024 and wanted to focus on setting up and managing her business finances using Quickbooks. So we did that across three 2 hour sessions and also created an annual cashflow document, reviewed her marketing mix and set-up a Google Business profile for her new business.  

Mae Samantha Hewer, perchennog Sammi’s Aesthetics o Arberth, Sir Benfro yn Esthetician cwbl gymwys sydd wedi sefydlu ei busnes harddwch ei hun yn Arberth. Ymgysylltodd Sammi â phrosiect Thrive am y tro cyntaf ym mis Mai 2024 ac roedd am ganolbwyntio ar sefydlu a rheoli cyllid ei busnes gan ddefnyddio Quickbooks. Felly fe wnaethom hynny ar draws tair sesiwn 2 awr a hefyd creu dogfen llif arian blynyddol, adolygu ei chymysgedd marchnata a sefydlu proffil Google Business ar gyfer ei busnes newydd.

Sammi Approved Picture

“Really Pro have been amazing. I don’t know how I would have been able to achieve my business goals and dreams without their incredible support!”

“Mae Really Pro wedi bod yn anhygoel. Nid wyf yn gwybod sut y byddwn wedi gallu cyflawni fy nodau busnes a breuddwydion heb eu cefnogaeth anhygoel!”

Owner, Sammi said “Really Pro have been amazing. I don’t know how I would have been able to achieve my business goals and dreams without their incredible support!” We really enjoyed working with Sammi and wish her all the very best of luck for her future business endeavours.

Dywedodd y perchennog, Sammi “Mae Really Pro wedi bod yn anhygoel. Nid wyf yn gwybod sut y byddwn wedi gallu cyflawni fy nodau busnes a breuddwydion heb eu cefnogaeth anhygoel!” Fe wnaethon ni fwynhau’n llawer gweithio gyda Sammi a dymunwn pob lwc iddi ar gyfer ei hymdrechion busnes yn y dyfodol.

If you are interested in receiving FREE business support from us via the Thrive project, click HERE for more information and fill out an enquiry form to get started. Alternatively, send us a DM and someone will get back to you. Please note – you must be based in Pembrokeshire! We look forward to working with you soon.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn derbyn cymorth busnes AM DDIM gennym ni trwy’r prosiect Thrive, cliciwch YMA am fwy o wybodaeth a llenwch ffurflen ymholiad i gychwyn arni. Fel arall, anfonwch DM atom a bydd rhywun yn cysylltu â chi yn ôl. Sylwch – mae’n rhaid eich bod wedi’ch lleoli yn Sir Benfro! Edrychwn ymlaen at weithio gyda chi yn fuan.